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You searched for: giving birth

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  • Cellphone pregnant mother in labor has push notification message on screen.
  • Woman gives birth to lose weight in reality show competition.
  • A man has his wife filling up balloons while she is in labor.
  • A woman wants to check her email before going to the hospital because her water broke.
  • Gumby's mom shows him a picture of him as a stretched-out newborn.
  • A doctor can't find Houdini in his mother's womb.
  • An alien reads a trashy newspaper that writes about humans the way human tabloids write about aliens.
  • Twins fight over who gets to leave the womb first.
  • A pregnant woman can't stop saying contractions.
  • Birthing classes don't prepare you to swear as you give birth.
  • A bunch of women get coached through labor at once.

You searched for: giving birth